Friday, January 02, 2004

Happy holidays now back to work

Ugh. I'm dying of boredom.

I realize that I have no photographic skill whatsoever. I can't pick out a decent shot and when I do happen to find something interesting, the resulting picture is blurry or out of focus, or I've taken a picture that doesn't contain the image I wanted.

Ever since I was a little kid, my hands have shook. I remember going to the doctor about it. Like I have Parkinson's but only in my hands. This is not a good trait for a photographer. Every shot looks like an action shot. I need a tripod, but those are kind of bulky to carry around. I'll figure something out.

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Happy New Year!

What have I done this year?

2)bought a house and moved into it
3)started working out again

That's it. I didn't take any great trips. I didn't find any long-lost relatives. I didn't find a cure for cancer. Nothing. The house is nice though and I guess that is a big step in one's lifetime.

When I was younger I used to evaluate every year and determine if it was better than the year before. I would always say something like "I learned the multiplication tables" or "kissed a girl for the first time". Buying the house should be a bigger thing but it doesn't seem that big. I was supposed to buy a house. Learning the multiplication tables was pure chance and sheer luck. Plus, when I was younger I could always say I grew 2 inches and gain 17 pounds this year. I wish I'd have written those things down. They're probably hilarious.

What do I want to do in 2004?
1) Buy a Road King
2) Ride said Road King to Los Angeles. (I can't explain it, but I just feel drawn to LA, like I HAVE to go there--not to live but to visit.)
3)Make sure I visit my Grandmother
4)Find long-lost relatives and spend time with them
5)Find long-lost friends.

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

I skipped the most important development

of the weekend!! I got a digital camera!! It's a Kodak, 3.1 MP. I've already become very annoying with it. My dogs hate it. Dogs have evil demon-looking eyes when you take their picture using a flash. It's not red-eye, it's demon-eye. Or maybe it's just my dogs. Now I just need to figure out how to get a blog that I can post pics to.

Still reading, enjoying both books. But now am superfocused on taking pics.

Monday, December 29, 2003

Movie Reviews

Saw 3 movies this weekend. First up, Pirates of the Caribbean. I had heard many good things about this movie. Cool camera shots and lots of swordfighting, but not a very interesting story and by the end I just wanted all the characters to fall off a ship and drown. Don't see it.

Second was Bruce Almighty. Good movie. More serious than Ace Ventura, but not a "serious" movie. Maybe by writing "more serious than Ace Ventura" what I really mean is that Bruce has a plot and character development. I really like Morgan Freeman. Makes a good God. See it.

Last is Down with Love. I realize the movie isn't meant for me and I didn't really want to see it. However, it's not very good. Nobody I know (man or woman) has liked this movie. I think my Grandmother liked the original, but that's just cause she thought Rock Hudson was a stud and didn't know he was gay. Don't see this one. No matter what.

Friday, December 26, 2003

what I should have blogged

Have a holly, jolly Christmas. But I got off work early on wednesday and bolted out of the office like a bolt of Truman. So I didn't post my full Burl Ives lovefest. I did have a wonderful Christmas eve, eating Mexican food and drinking margaritas (which were free). Free margaritas are the best ever!!

Had a wonderful Christmas. I didn't have any margaritas but did have some very tasty Gentleman Jack whiskey. Raked in some Christmas loot and will soon be going to Best Buy to spend it.

Today is the most boring day ever at work. Redid our small network and rebuilt a domain controller. zzzzzzzzzzz

Will go home and partake of more tequila. mmmm, tequila

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Life DOES imitate art

Wasn't the movie Minority Report about this? I'm all for "pre-emptive" arrests though.

So if terrorists do strike in California, will Arnold seek revenge like he did in that one movie of his...what was the name of that...oh yeah, it's EVERY movie of his.

Is today only Tuesday??? It seems like a month ago it was yesterday. Didn't do any reading last night or today. Too busy watching football and also too busy shopping. Finished with shopping but there's always more football. It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Monday, December 22, 2003

Glad it's a short week

It's only Monday afternoon and I'm already feeling worn out. Went to the library this weekend.
Book 1: Family Matters. It's by Rohinton Mistry, the author of A Fine Balance. So far it's about India. I want to visit India.
Book 2: The Koran. Amazon doesn't have a link to the translation I'm using.

I was brought up Baptist. Went to church every Sunday (twice on Sundays). I don't think I'll convert to Islam. Just wanted to read and study it. I think next I'll read about Zorastrianism.